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Learning together through metaphors: An interactive session on the use of metaphors (short stories) as an inspiring teaching method.

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In an era of electronic, global, diversified, interdisciplinary, change-embracing learning environments, it takes creativity to be heard. Audiences, especially those in our classrooms, want to be enticed in effective ways that transcend complex theories and structures, and speak to their imagination in the most direct way. Aha! The old-fashioned stories re-surface! Oh wait! They never went away! Our inner-child loves them, no matter how seasoned, experienced, and educated we become! So let’s share stories! Let’s share our latest findings with you, and hear yours in return, and then: let’s revive this evergreen form of human awareness transmission with our students!


Satinder Dhiman    
Woodbury University
United States

Joan Marques    
Woodbury University
United States

Jerry Biberman    
Scranton University
United States


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