
At-a-Glance Program

Wednesday, 17 June
14:00–20:00Conference Registration
19:00–20:30Opening Session
20:30–22:30Jim's Place
20:30–21:00Newcomer Session
Thursday, 18 June
08:30–09:30Motivating Learning through Teams and Technology: The HRManagement Simulation Project
 Throw Away the Laundry List: Teaching in Context
 Reframing: A Tool to Develop Critical Thinking in Undergraduate Interns
 What Direction is Your Leadership Style Heading?
 Building Collaborative Community Development Tools
 Developing Responsible Leaders by Developing their Response-ability
 Comparing Three Approaches for Teaching Innovation: Design Thinking, Creative Problem...
 Finding new uses for old exercises: Five squares
 Ambushed and Wrangled: When Technology Fails Us In The Classroom
 Inviting “Lincoln” into the Classroom to Teach Power, Influence, and Negotiation
09:45–10:15Using Entrepreneurship To Create Learning Communities In Organization Behavior
 Harry Potter And The Keys of the Academic Kingdom—The Ones You Can’t Find On Google
 Using Pinterest as a medium for student active learning through individual discovery of relevant content
 A Strong Interest – Combining Strong Interest Inventory sample activities with an exploration of intrinsic/extrinsic motivation
 The comparison of Chinese and American classroom dynamics
 Do it all wrong! Using reverse brainstorming to generate ideas, improve discussions, and move students to action
 Participation -- Let's ALL Participate!
 Building a Digital Community of Learning: The positive effects of social media use in higher education
 Negotiating a New Hire: A Role Play Simulation
 Creating Engaging Online Activities that Compliment the F2F Classroom
 Teaching finance to non-finance majors: Challenges of an integrated curriculum
10:45–11:45It's All in the Story: An Odd Couple Reminisces
13:15–14:15What Is Learning and How Does it Occur?: Implications of Workplace Learning Scholarship for Experiential Educators
 But, I didn’t go to law school! How non-attorney management educators can successfully use court cases to connect students to legal issues in the community
 Learning to Act for the Sake of Life on Earth
 Snake: Enable others to Act
 Class Engagement: Reaching Your Millenial Students
 Collegial Development of Ethics in Management
 Contemplating Reflection in Learning: Aligning Strategy to Objective
 Integrating the Undergraduate Curriculum: Models for Success
 Bringing the MOOC into the Classroom
 Structured Speed Interviewing: Building Skills in Staffing and Selection Courses
14:30–15:00Providing & Receiving Constructive Feedback: Educating Students
 Hot Topics in Pregnancy Discrimination: Broadening student awareness of diverse communities of workers
 Yes, we do have intellectual standards in college! How to help students join the higher education community
 The Social Art of the Vignette: bringing experience into the classroom
 A Semester Long Service-Learning Project; Our Example
 You Want Me to Work in a Team? An Approach to Teaching and Assessing Teamwork the AACSB Way
 3 – 2 – 1 Action: Building a Peer-to-Peer Online Learning Community by Student Presenters Filming Themselves and Creating a Space for Feedback
 Ye’ Old Pen Factory: Applying the classic pen factory simulation to today’s global workplace
 Moving Courses from Traditional to On-line Format: Should We? What Have We Learned?
 Sparking Change with Symbols, Stories and Rituals: Mobilizing People with the Symbolic Frame
15:30–16:3010% luck, 20% skill, 70% (letting go of your) concentrated power of will: The Good, the bad, and the ugly of using community-based learning in the classroom
 Addressing Both Personal and Community Tragedy in the Classroom: Yes or No?
 Blooming Our Learning Objectives in a World with Handheld Libraries
 Creating a Mindful Learning Community
 Integrated Business Core for Freshmen: Introducing Cross-Discipline Connections
 Leadership Development Online
 Learning together through metaphors: An interactive session on the use of metaphors (short stories) as an inspiring teaching method
 Reducing the Transferability Gap: The Link between Service-Based Learning and Career Development in Management Education
 Was groupthink responsible for three deaths?
17:15–19:15Thursday Night Fiesta at Sneaky Park
19:30–20:30Challenges, lessons learned and experiences with moving from traditional face-to-face class to online class online class in organizational behavior
 Choice Learning Projects in an Organizational Behavior Classroom
 Does Political Correctness Dictate How We Teach Ethical Decision Making?
 Global Leadership and Management: Expanding Cultural Insight and Wisdom through Travel Study Experiences
 Is Management Education blind to social class? What does this mean for educating managers of the future?
 Teaching Negotiation Successfully: Is it a Fantasy?
 The Rule of Three: A Practice of Reflective Writing and Learning
 Tricks of the trade: Navigating the push and pull of being a chair (and teacher-scholar?)
20:30–22:30Jim's Place
Friday, 19 June
08:30–10:00It's Better Than Discussion: Using Dialogue (Big “D”) to Enhance Student Engagement, Critical Tiniking, and Community
 Poetic Metaphor and the Creation of Community in the Management Classroom
 Creating Conditions for Collaborative Learning in Student Teams
 Stealing Pedagogy: What we can take from the Jesuits for fun and profit
 Playing in the garden of forking paths – leadership learning in a community through collaborative interactive storytelling
 Oh SNAP! How a one week learning experience provides your students with a world of management understanding.
 Understanding employee experiences of and reactions to radical organizational change efforts through an interactive exercise
 Bridging the research-teaching divide: Engaging our own research in the classroom and linking our two professional communities
 Gather Around the Experiential Fire
 Facebook’s Emotional Contagion Experiment: A Brief Classroom-Based Ethics Case Study
 Teaching Change
10:15–10:45Tackling concept overload in survey courses by using student groups
 Growing Classroom Community through Creativity: A Beginning Roadmap
 Developing Women Leaders: An Approach that Works!
 Non-profit Board Experience
 It’s Just a Stage: Students’ Levels of Intellectual Development
 Read, Review, Reflect: Three similar yet diverse approaches
 Face-to-face teacher-student performance appraisals
 Collaborative learning in a student community: Using clickers for fostering discussion in management classrooms
 Student peer mentoring: Enhancing the learning environment
 Critically examining training example videos for learning about train-the-trainer programs and supporting development of management critical thinking skills
 “Activating” the Nonparticipant Learner in a Large OB Lecture Class: What Works Well with Wikis
11:30–12:30The track on the track: Encouraging deep learning by teaching while engaged in physical activity
 Student-Established Course Commitments: Implications and Possibilities for Learning and Development
 What Should You Teach Your Students? Just Ask Them
 Authentic Classroom Facilitation: How Attachment Theory Can Inform Classroom Management.
 How Do We Teach and Measure Creativity and Innovation as a Learning Outcome?
 How to be a “leader” of your class: Four choices that teachers must make to be effective leaders of their classes (taught by leadership scholars and teachers)
 Creating community in a global setting: Transforming lives through Travel Abroad courses
 I have to say “I love you” in a … affirmation?: Five forms of demonstrating our love for our students
 How to use Deliberate Practice Exercises to Improve Student Leadership Skills
 Engaging OB students through interdisciplinary study of a major business event: The Wall Street Crash of 2008
 Community in the Classroom Through Collaboration With Students
14:00–15:30The “Kobayashi-Maru” Meeting: High-Fidelity Experiential Learning
 Designing a Leader Development Program: From Conceptualization to Endowment in 5 Years
 Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?
 Creating a Course Assignment On Building Community with Alumni
 Loving-kindness and Mindfulness: Practices for Being More Heartful and Awake in Organizations
 Design Thinking: Applying Tools,Techniques,and Strategies to Quickly Innovate and Develop Mobile Solutions In the Classroom
 Creating Community and Early Engagement: Sharing as a Community of Educators
 Gather around the “Video-Clip Campfire” and share your best clips: The Sequel
 Designing and Teaching an MBA Course "Managing Failure of Success: The Reflective Role of Special Issues"
 Meet the Editors: Journal of Management Education and Management Teaching Review
 Senior and Mid-Career Consortium: What’s next?
16:00–17:00Enhancing Our Teaching by Drawing on Recent Developments in the Science of Learning
 “History is Boring!” Changing this perception through the use of social media
 Critically Thinking Through Reality: A Classic Exercise Infused with Real-World Scenarios
 Leading Leadership Learning: More than just PowerPoints
 Global Leadership in Crisis: An Ecosystem Mapping Exercise
 Clearing Muddied Waters: Using Toulmin's Argument Maps to Settle the Sediment
 Learning as a community through Socratic seminars
 Entrepreneurship Mindset: Igniting Millennial Leadership Intention and Engagement
 Measurement backlash and how to avoid it
 Bradford Award Session
 This is teaching, who the f*** said anything about freedom of speech? Profanity in the classroom: a discussion of best practices, setting expectations and a myriad of exceptions
17:15–18:15Customized instruction and support for student network creation and the exploration of professional identity using the LinkedIn professional social network
 What is this thing called politics?: Using film and television to teach political game theory
 Experiential learning: High-impact engagement to create communities of learning
 Managing Entrepreneurship: Stories from Past and Present Captains of Industry
 Not just for kids: Using Dora the Explorer Techniques to teach Leadership in the classroom
 Encouraging students to craft their work: Exploring the value of friendships in small learning communities
 Learning Governance: Community-Based Partnership for Capacity Building
 Creating Transformational Learning Opportunities through Asset Based Community Engagement
 Puzzling with Teams: Round 2
 Quiet Students: Engaging Introverts in a World of Extroverts
 Learning by Serving: Community Engagement through Service Experiences
18:15–20:15Awards Banquet
20:15–23:00Talent Show
 Jim's Place
Saturday, 20 June
06:00–12:00Residence Hall Checkout
08:30–09:30Doctoral Institute Presentation / Breakfast Session
09:30–10:00Town Hall & Closing Statements
11:00–12:00To-Go Lunch Pickup


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