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Entrepreneurship Mindset: Igniting Millennial Leadership Intention and Engagement

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“Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach.”(Prensky, 2001 p. 1). The Millennials, our future leaders, are different in the way they: think and process information (Prensky, 2001); use technology as an alternative to traditional face to face networking (Wisniewski, 2014); learn (Shaw, 2009); and value critical thinking and motivation skills.( Wisniewski, 2014).

In this session, participants experience customizable tools to engage students, inspire leadership intention, motivate innovative thinking, support community outreach, and build self- efficacy in creative problem solving. A real life case of student ingenuity and multi-dimensional community engagement will be reviewed.


Denise Williams    
Metropolitan State University
United States


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