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Buying a Car: An introductory role play for teaching about negotiations

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Buying a Car: An introductory role play for teaching about negotiations

This proposal describes a simple, introductory negotiations role play that can easily be created by the reader using local information. Briefly, a recent graduate has gotten a job and can afford an apartment and new car payments. He/she goes to a car dealer with a specific model and color in mind, but not much experience buying a car. A sales person talks to the buyer and tries to settle on the price for a car. An option provides half of the buyers with additional information about what other dealers charge and what comparable buyers have paid for this make and model car. Debrief questions are included. During the session, the author will discuss constructing and using role plays and ask participants to share their experiences with negotiation role plays.
(129 words).


Joe Seltzer    
La Salle University
United States


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