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Peer Evaluations utilizing a Balance Scorecard Approach

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Peer evaluations suffer from several biases including anchoring, ambiguity, empathy, framing, attribution, recency and many more. Developing an appropriate tool utilizing a Balance Scorecard will, in theory, allow students to better evaluate their own and their peer’s performance during the term.

The Balance Scorecard typically takes into consideration four specific and equally weighted areas allowing for an effective view of overall performance. In a peer evaluation format, two indicators for each of the four categories are selected by the involved team.

Indicators and metrics are determined following a workshop developing options for teams to come to a consensus for using. Each team may have a different scorecard based on participants.

This session walks through the overall concept. Then participants will develop a balance scorecard for the session by working through the indicator and metric development workshop.


Matthew VanSchenkhof    
University of Central Missouri
United States


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