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“Getting to Know You – Getting to Know All about You: Using the VALS Psychometric Tool to Improve Classroom and Career Success”

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Deep learning occurs when students apply specific techniques at a personal level before projecting the concepts to a larger setting. Through knowledge transfer in the classroom, professors seek to educate students about important management concepts. The goal of this presentation is to provide tools that faculty can integrate into their curriculum to help students gain and apply these specific techniques.

This interactive session will highlight the VALS Psychometric Tool, giving attendees the ability to understand their own personal values and traits, and those of people around them. The technique presented can be applied in the classroom setting and translated into the work environment to better understand, co-workers, customers, etc.

The session’s active learning strategies transcend the management classroom and are suitable in various domains, applying these concepts into the real-world environment. Presenters will share classroom experiences using this tool – including successes and challenges. Following the presentation, participants will be encouraged to submit their experiences using the tool, creating an inventory of best practices.


Michael Petrochuk    
Walsh University
United States

Julie Szendrey    
Walsh University
United States

Trish Berg    
Walsh University
United States


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