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The Influence of Principles for Responsible Management Education initiative in Higher Education

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The Principles for Responsible Management Education initiative (PRME) seeks to, “…To inspire and champion responsible management education, research, and thought leadership globally by bridging relationships and catalyzing collaboration among the United Nations, the Global Compact, and academia.” Higher Education Initiatives (HEIs) and partners of PRME form a network of the world’s leading voluntary corporate citizenship initiatives, which, in collaboration with the UN Global Compact, includes thousands of businesses from every continent, hundreds of Higher Education Institutes worldwide, and numerous other stakeholders.

PRME provides a platform for Signatories to engage with each other, as well as business, civil society and individuals around the world. This engagement is supported by their Steering Committee, including accreditation organizations AACSB, EFMD and many others; the UN Global Compact; UN partners; and numerous other Supporting Organizations. PRME is committed to their the six principles, to uphold practices for responsible management education and to demonstrate responsible leadership to their stakeholders.

Participation in PRME offers many competitive advantages to a Signatory (HEI partner) or Supporting Organization (business partner). Through their annual conferences, regional meetings, and working groups, PRME is able to promote a theme of service and goodness globally through management education.

Through this session, the study seeks to highlight the value of PRME globally, as well as through the North American context. This study seeks to explore PRME resources as a means of teaching and learning responsible management education throughout the context of higher education. This will be accomplished via discussing the regional programs and partnerships, student organizations, testing mechanisms, and physical resources which PRME has inspired. Further discussion on how PRME is being or can be modeled to fit individual HEI contexts can be developed through discussion and dialogue.


Meredith Storey    
University of Limerick


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