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Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society 2018 Conference

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Reflecting on and Renovating Teaching Evaluations within Non-Traditional Classrooms

This 60-minute roundtable session promotes instructor reflection on traditional teaching evaluations and offers ways to improving performance through the integration of varied tools and techniques. This session is designed to improve student assessment and instructor performance. Instructors will bring their institution’s evaluative criteria. We will start by discussing the importance of teaching evaluations and the ways in which teaching has changed, yet measures of evaluation have not. Following this discussion, we will brainstorm ways to reinvent evaluations to address new and varied approaches to teaching and learning. Participants will reflect upon their institution’s evaluation metrics and share how their performance is assessed. Finally, we will collectively outline supplemental tools and techniques with the potential to improve students’ perceptions and evaluations of our teaching.

Velvet Weems-Landingham
Kent State University
United States


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