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Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society 2018 Conference

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Academic Integrity: Understanding Faculty Attitudes & Strategies for Promoting Academic Integrity

Academic dishonesty is an issue with which management faculty must deal on a regular basis. Extant research says a great deal about student attitudes towards academic dishonesty yet is less informative about faculty attitudes and their antecedents. This roundtable session will involve a discussion of 1) facts about academic dishonesty, 2) mechanisms for preventing academic dishonesty, and 3) the origins and effects of faculty attitudes towards academic dishonesty. This session will provide practical advice attendees can immediately apply in their classrooms as well as theoretical novelty by presenting and discussing in-progress research into faculty attitudes about academic dishonesty.

Michele Yoder
University of Michigan-Dearborn
United States

Joy Beatty
University of Michigan-Dearborn
United States


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