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International Conference of the Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society

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Service-Learning Projects: How Might Educator Design The Project and Ensure Positive Experience?

Roundtable discussion will focus on service-learning project implementation that helps to acquire and develop students entrepreneurial skills, fulfill stakeholders needs and ensure positive experience. Entrepreneurial skills are hard to acquire and could be formed only by practical experience through action learning. The purpose of the roundtable discussion is to create an optimal design of the service-learning project. The intended outcome of the session will be formed as quidelines for the educator on how to manage service-learning projects while bringing positive students experience and developing their entrepreneurial skills, mitigating stakeholders interests and taking into account uncertainties.

Ekaterina Zagorodnova
National Research University Higher School of Economics in Perm

Anastasiia Rylova
National Research University Higher School of Economics in Perm


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