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International Conference of the Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society

At-a-Glance Program

Thursday, 28 June
7:00am – 8:15amBreakfast
8:00am – 9:00amOpening Breakfast & an Introduction to MOBTS
8:15am – 9:00amOpening Remarks, Opening Session, and an Introduction to MOBTS
9:15am – 10:45amEmploying Self-Developmental, Peer Coaching in the Classroom
 From Escape Room to Breakout Box: An Experiential Learning Strategy to Teach Critical Skills
 Using a multi-modal approach to teaching negotiations
 Enhancing Student Psychological Flexibility: Evidence-based Exercises for Management Educators
10:45am – 11:15amRefreshment Break
11:15am – 12:15pmFinal curtain call: Facilitating course and program endings
 Harassment in the Workplace: Still Innocent Until Proven Guilty?
 Experiential Learning Online: Lost in Translation?
 Supporting enthusiasm for career management through coralling, coaching and hindrance minimisation
 Enhancing large-class teaching through podcasting: A Beginners Guide
 The Power of Positive Regard: Revisiting Corrective Performance Feedback with Generation Z Students
 Observational Learning of Teams across Industries
12:15pm – 1:45pmLunch
1:45pm – 2:45pmUsing “EEOC Role-Playing” for Human Resource (HR) and Management Education
 Getting off on the right foot: Helping groups of non-traditional students form, storm, and norm
 Service-Learning Projects: How Might Educator Design The Project and Ensure Positive Experience?
 First, Do No Harm: Does the Field of OB Need a Qualification System to Safeguard the Use of Teaching Interventions?
 Adapting conventional delivery to cope with large cohorts: turning seminars into workshops
 Baiting the hook for learning: When learning for learning’s sake is not enough. A novice lecturer’s experiences of managing experiential learning in large groups
 Using Class Behaviour Modification Assignment to Reduce Lecture Absenteeism among Masters Management Students
 Layering of the Assessment Process: The Path to Improved Attendance, Learning and Engagement
3:00pm – 3:30pmThe Challenges of Using Multimedia Assignments to Assess Learning Outcomes on an Undergraduate Social Media Module
 The Lim-O: An exercise in market failure and vertical integration
 X-Culture International Business Experience & Simulations in the Classroom
 Using the Potter Box to Understand Organizational Decision-Making
 “So What Do You Really Think?”: Using technology to get candid feedback from students
 Reaching The Millennial Learner in a Large Class
3:30pm – 4:00pmRefreshment Break
4:00pm – 5:00pmThe Arena: An Activity to Foster Teamwork, Communication, and Cooperation In and Across Teams
 Revisiting a Classic: How to Use Positive and Negative Reinforcement to Demonstrate the Relationship Between Performance and Reward
 Best Practices in Teaching Sexual Harassment
 Roundtable on Designing an Inclusive Module
 Teaching business planning: Issues and challenges
 Using personalized learning software in a large class
 Opening Minds: Faculty-driven Roleplay
 Humility in the classroom: On questioning the Sage on the Stage Approach
5:00pm – 8:00pmDisperse for Dinner
Friday, 29 June
7:00am – 8:30amBreakfast
8:30am – 10:45amMeet the Editors – Incubator Session: Journal of Management Education and Management Teaching Review
8:30am – 10:00amExpanding the Pie: Negotiating in Academia
 Open Education Resources in Management Education: The What, Why, and How
 A collection of creative end-of-semester projects
 Learning from Leadership at all Levels: Life Events and Immersive Experiences
10:15am – 10:45amWhat’s in it for us all? Instructor’s Reflection on the realities of delivering Virtual Cross Cultural Experiences between UK/US students and Irish/US Students
 Teaching Business Models to Students while Engaging Industry through an Experiential Learning Workshop
 I hate starting class with a quiz: So why am I still using them in my flipped hybrid?
 Amazon and the contradictions of capitalism: Channelling and challenging ‘best practice’
 Identifying and helping “challenging” students: Quantitative and exploratory qualitative approaches
10:45am – 11:15amRefreshment Break
11:15am – 12:15pmPerfecting the Peer Evaluation Process - I Will Show You Mine if You Show Me Yours!
 Integrating Managerial Skills into the Business Curriculum: Can we Teach Longitudinally?
 College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Are our teaching methods up to the task?
 The Business of Curriculum Infusion: Integrating student health initiatives via classroom on-campus service projects
 Business Management Simulations and Generative Learning: The Missing Link or Simply a Tool for Teaching Large Classes?
 When your key talent becomes… a body double
 Team Debate Contests as Collaborative Argumentation Training
 Bringing Research into the Classroom: A Teaching Case Study Exercise
12:15pm – 1:45pmLunch
1:45pm – 3:15pmTeaching Whilst Leading: Why Do University and Business School Leaders also Teach (or not)?
 Learning by Wandering Around
 Reinforce Teamwork and Creativity for Cybersecurity in a Classroom Setting: A Team Activity for Building a Strong Cyber Defense using K’Nex®
 It’s How You Start: Designing Initial Class Experiences for Lasting Impact
 Pushing our teaching and learning boundaries: Experiencing Bolman & Deal’s Power Simulation
 Using history to teach behaviour
3:15pm – 3:30pmRefreshment Break
3:30pm – 4:00pmLearning from Anxiety in the Classroom
 Achievement Motivation Training for Trainee Readiness
 “Elective Choice” - An exploratory study of the factors that influence undergraduate student elective choice in a ‘General Business’ degree programme
 Student classroom friendships: Their positive and negative impacts, and our responsibilities
4:15pm – 5:15pmHow can we prepare students for the gig economy?
 Reviving Europe through Student-Centred Learning at the Business School
 Developing Young Responsible Managers Through Whole Person Education
 The Student Subskills Required for Effective Interdisciplinary Learning
 Universities failing to produce graduates with employable skills, Really?
 Is the Leadership-as-Practice Approach Teachable?
5:15pm – 8:15pmDisperse for Dinner


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