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International Conference of the Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society

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“Elective Choice” - An exploratory study of the factors that influence undergraduate student elective choice in a ‘General Business’ degree programme.

Third level undergraduate students taking business programmes are typically provided with the opportunity to choose modules from elective options across their programme of study. Student elective choices impact the eventual skillset of graduating students and the programmes ability to deliver suitably robust graduates in line with its accreditation. Academic research indicates that student’s elective choice is influenced by many different factors including module content, lecturer style, grade potential, career plans, timetable and one’s peer group. Understanding these influencing factors can aid programme managers and lecturers as they design, develop and promote elective options within a general business degree.

Caroline O Reilly
Cork Institute of Technology

Marian McCarthy
University College Cork

Lawrence Dooley
University College Cork


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