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International MOBTS 2020

International MOBTS 2020 Proceedings

An instructor perspective of personal reflection on implementing an online game-based learning activity: The good, the bad and the ugly
Stephen Ko, Eric Kong

Blended Learning Beginnings
Ann-Marie Kennedy

Building a global community of teaching academics
Janis Wardrop, Leanne Piggott

Classroom as Organization - Taking the Plunge
Melissa Knott

Creating Connections: Colleagues, Curriculum and Community in Business Schools.
Shripad Pendse

Creativity in the Classroom: Exploring the Wicked Problems of Business Using Visual Pedagogies
Suzette Dyer, Fiona Hurd

Designing and Implementing Video Cases to Teach Undergraduate Students About Organizational Behavior
Marissa Edwards, Elizabeth Nichols

Designing Escape Activities For Higher Education: Build your own escape box
Stuart Middleton, Shakira Moss

Developing a social impact orientation within a mainstream NZ business degree: Pedagogical goals and instrumental realities
Lisa Maurice-Takerei, Fiona Hurd, Angsana Techatassanasoontorn

Developing Shared Leadership Through Improvisational Theatre Exercises
Jiunwen Wang, Ivy Chia

Enhancing creative self-efficacy in entrepreneurship education
Stephen Ko, Boon Seng Tan, Simon C. H. Chan

Enhancing student learning with a virtual team-based activity in online distance learning environments: Utilizing game-based learning for transversal skills development
Stephen Ko, Eric Kong

Exploring online learning best practices to improve retention and success strategies for supporting online management students in rural or remote regions
Heather Stewart, Deborah Delaney

Flipped learning exercises can be fun!
Alick Kay

Gather Around the Experiential Fire
Amy Kenworthy, George Hrivnak, Peggy Hedges, Norm Althouse, Jeanie Forray, Kathi Lovelace, Fiona Hurd, Suzette Dyer, Michael Cohen, Christine Rivers, Kathy Lund Dean, Kevin Lo

History in practice: A self-guided history hunt activity
Stuart Middleton , Ann Wallin, Sara Eckberg, Alexandra Kriz, Richard Buning, Matthew Peters

How Excellent Reviewing Helps Your Scholarship: Journal of Management Education and Management Teaching Review
Kathy Lund Dean, Jeanie Forray, Kathi Lovelace, Sarah Wright, Paul Donovan, Charles Fornaciari, Christine Rivers

Illuminating Mental Health Headwinds in Management Doctoral Programs
Adam Pervez, Kevin Lo, Terry Nelson, Kenneth Mullane, Lisa Brady, Andrew Bennett

In My World
Peggy Andrews, Anne McCarthy

Russell Wordsworth

Manuscript Development Incubator: Authoring And Publishing In Management Education Scholarship
Kathy Lund Dean, Jeanie Forray, Paul Hibbert, Kathi Lovelace, Todd Bridgman, David Jones, Charles Fornaciari

Meet the Editors – Incubator Session: Journal of Management Education and Management Teaching Review
Kathy Lund Dean, Jeanie Forray, Paul Donovan, Kathi Lovelace, Charles Fornaciari, Sarah Wright, Christine Rivers

Never, EVER blow on a tarantula
Kathy Lund Dean, Charles Fornaciari, Carolyn Plump, John Stark

Opening Session of International MOBTS 2020!
Sarah Wright, Micheal Stratton, Brandon Charpied

Preparing for their Visit: A Best-Practices Framework for Guest Speakers in Management Education
Michael Kirchner, Lisa Adams, Kimberly O'Connor

Professional Development: Mastering the journey
Patricia Hubbard, Kevin Kempin

Promoting International Student Success
Carol Bormann Young

Reshaping and Reinventing Management Education Using Collaborative Team Teaching as a Mechanism For Professional Development and Succession Planning
Kimberly O'Connor, Kimberly McDonald

Scholarly bricolage: A call to quest
Micheal Axelsen, Ann Wallin, Sarel Gronum

Share and show: Cultivating sensemaking capability in the management classroom
Bronte van der Hoorn, Catherine P. Killen

Teaching Tolerance in Business Schools
John B Stark, Liora Gubkin

Teaching with Arts: How Paintings Enrich Classroom Insights and Discussion
Volker Rundshagen, Markus Raueiser

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work, IF it is set up properly!
Gloria Miller

Tending to Socio-Emotional Needs & Development in the Classroom
Afif Nassif

They Want What??? Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials
Tim O. Peterson, Claudette M. Peterson, Sydney Thielbar

Using radical candour in assessment feedback
Tago Mharapara

Using Zimbardo’s Experiment video documentary to effectively teach the power of roles and negatives in teams
Diana Smrt

Who’s Class is it Anyway?: Integrating technology to mitigate negative behaviour
Patricia Hubbard


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