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MOBTS 2019

MOBTS 2019 Proceedings

88 ‘Ripped from the Headlines:’ Re-imagining Case Study Methodology to Increase Student Engagement and Target Soft Skills
Ann Saurbier

87 “From Pipelines to Platforms”: Examining the Benefits and Limitations of Management Education Platforms for Institutionalized Shift
Nicole Jackson, Austin Halbert

44 A Library…What’s that? Information Literacy & Giving Students Life-long Research Skills
Christina Connor, Alysa D Lambert

80 Accessible Syllabus Design – Converting your Syllabus to Improve Learning
Joy Beatty

75 Accessing the Vision Within: Creative Visualization Experience in an Active Learning Framework
Stacey McNeil, Natasha Randle

14 Ambidexterity and Evidence-Based Management Practice: Cases from Major League Baseball (MLB)
Nicole Jackson, Sean Pradhan

123 Beyond the Self: The Journey of Empathic Experience
Janine Clarke, Dale Finn

42 Brick by Brick: Using LEGO® Serious Play® to Teach ‘Change Leadership’
Mary Anne Peabody, Elizabeth Fisher Turesky

76 Bringing Management Lessons to Life with Investment Simulations
Jason Pierce

29 Bringing Relevant Projects to Management Information Systems - Student Learning Exercises
David Beaudry, Tammy Ogren

130 Building Character and Courage: Using the VIA Character Strengths assessment and journaling to develop character development in an undergraduate business elective
Jody Tolan

41 Cascading Teaching Model for Teaching Leadership in Large Online Class
Susan Loucks, Brenda Bailey-Hughes

70 Changed for Good: Investigating How Students Become Agents of Change through Service-Learning Experiences
Nathania Chua, Josep Mària, Ignasi Martí

15 Classroom as Organization: A new model and an exercise in peer-to-peer feedback
Debby Thomas, Stacie Chappell

128 Coaching Students to Coach
Scott Springer, Ann Springer

60 Cost of Living Exercise
Gabriella Lewis

117 Deal With It: An Ambiguity Assignment for Real-world Projects
Joseph G Gerard

126 Delivering Bad News: An Intercultural Management Communication Activity
Scott Springer, Ann Springer

Maria Leonard, Linda Matthews

64 Developing Students as Process Consultants: Cross-course Student Team Facilitation as “Service” and “Praxis” Learning
Ray Luechtefeld

30 Discussing How to Create a “Sense of Place” and Real World Connections in the Online Classroom through Alumni Videos and Other Methods
Gordon Schmidt

118 Engagement Challenge – Tapping into Intrinsic Motivation
Beth Haley

43 Expanding the Pie: Negotiating in Academia
Micheal Stratton, Anne McCarthy, Barbara Ritter, Melissa Knott, Ken Rhee, Gary Coombs, Ed Petkus, Jr., Patricia Hedberg, Kathleen Barnes

39 Experiential Fire: Passing the Torch
Julie JP Palmer, Thomas Conklin, Rose Hair, David Fearon, Andrew Bennett, Opal Leung

85 Global Strategies for Teaching International students
Wanda Cousar

84 Going to the Dark Side: Thinking About Taking On Administrative Roles in Today’s Dynamic Higher Education Arena
Rita Shea-Van Fossen, Kathleen Barnes, John Stark, George Smith

97 Harnessing humility to avoid getting burned when the experiential fire becomes a garbage fire
Chantal van Esch, Lo Kevin, Allen Scott, Cristina Arroyo, Stark Gary, Stratton Micheal, Nelson Terry, Steven Edelson

33 Identifying and using student learning motivations as a tool for course delivery management

124 Identifying Conceptual Blocks to Creative Problem Solving Via the Newspaper Industry
Don Larsen

28 Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique: Team Tests?! Scratch-off Scantrons?! What?!
John Ross

Bill Van Buskirk, Mike London, Karen Reardon, Frank Barrett

105 Is The Good Place in Your Classroom? Having a Doctor of Ethics and Moral Philosophy Come Teach Your Management Ethics Classes (#SpoilerAlert)
Chantal van Esch, Emily Tarr

63 Leadership Lessons: Real-time feedback loops
Ashley Prisant Lesko

94 Leadership Puzzle: How Might Educators Develop Agents For Positive Change?
Ekaterina Zagorodnova, Anastasiya Rylova

3 Learning the Power of Cooperative Organization through Play
Tammy Hiller

46 Learning through Experience: How to Provide your Students with Hands-On Networking Experience while Creating a Better Classroom
Kahlil King, Caitlin Lapine

35 Let's Plan a Multi-University Excursion for our Students!
John Ross

78 Let’s Design PowerPoint Presentations for Students’ Learning Styles!
Jae Hwan Lee, Gregory Berka

93 Leveraging Connections, A Global Leadership Experience
Sandra Deacon Carr, Yoo Jin Chung, Jack McCarthy

32 Making assessment prospective, rather than retrospective
Elyssebeth Leigh, Anne Herbert, Ian Burness

61 Mindfulness Skills for Leadership Development
Vicki Taylor, Kathy Bishop

90 Modeling Empathy through Role Play: A Classroom Exercise to Deconstruct the Privileged and the Other
Susan Clark Muntean

69 Nurturing Mutual Respect: Civility Intervention in the Classroom
Bahareh Javadizadeh, Hank Strevel

4 One for One Global Ethics Exercise
Chris Opatrny-Yazell

37 Presenting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Scavenger hunt to the rescue
Diana Smrt

23 Round Table on Teaching Strategy to Undergraduates
Alex Tawse, Pooya Tabesh

96 Sketchnoting for Critical Thinking and Learning
Jon Beard, Verena Paepcke-Hjeltness

18 Stand or Sit: Facilitating class discussions in larger, lower-level courses
Sabrina Speights

109 Starting the Day Right: Run or Walk with your fellow MOBTSers
Rita Shea-Van Fossen, Kerri Crowne Brannen, Carrie Blair Messal

132 Strengths into Action: Alumni Strengths-Based Leadership Memo Exercise
Nancy Evans, Brenda Bailey-Hughes

9 Students and Teachers as Agents of Positive Change. Can Cooperative Inquiry enable learning for both?
Stefan Cantore

25 Teaching management, leadership, organizational behavior and ethics through the use film and video
Wiggen Todd, Carlos Baldo

108 Teaching Research Skills using True Crime Investigations
Dorothy Marcic

116 Teaching Skepticism for Postitive Change, Roundtable on Information Literacy
Joseph G Gerard, Reena E. Lederman, Jack Greeley

17 Team Reflection Exercise
Timothy Davis, Diana Smrt

74 Teamwork Perceptions: Student vs Faculty
Chris Opatrny-Yazell, Keira Solon, Matthew Houseworth

101 The C's of Great Leadership
Max Ellzey, Virginia Green

72 The Context IS the Case: When Inmates and Business Majors Study Teams in Prison
Jeff Schatten

133 The Good Game
Garrett Giles, Eric Nelson, Ray Luechtefeld

31 The Power of Storytelling: Creating and Curating Stories for Deeper Learning and Higher Engagement
Justina Oliveira, Jeanne Hughes, Crystal Bickford

127 Thinking About Critical Thinking
Gary Stark, Stacy Boyer-Davis

20 Transparent and Data Driven Team Formation for Class Projects
Gregory Berka, Jae Hwan Lee, Amber Davidson

62 Tricks and Traps of Teaching Leadership
Jason Pierce

16 Using Design Thinking to Emphasize Empathy
Gary Coombs

50 Using Team Assignments to Teach Team Skills
Beverly DeMarr, Marie McKendall

19 Using The New Yorker Cartoons to Stimulate Creative Group Problem-Solving
John Keiser

51 Using the World Café Approach for Class Discussion Participation and Engagement
Robert Yawson, Therese Sprinkle, Michael Urick, Ivy Johnson-Kanda

129 What Is the Best Way to Structure a Blended Learning Course in Management?
Scott Springer, Ann Springer

55 What’s for Dinner? An Interactive Activity to Highlight Differences Between Rational Decision-making Models and Realistic Decision-making
Kenneth Mullane, Emily Tarr

38 What’s Your Brand? An exercise for identifying, communicating, and developing a leadership brand.
Vicki Taylor, Lisa Stickney, C. Melissa Fender

53 When Students Become Leaders: Building Confidence & Courage in the Classroom
Michael London, Michael Kirchner, Emily Searles

22 Whose Classroom is It Anyway? Learning through Improv
Jason Myrowitz

10 Win, Lose, or Collaborate: Revisiting Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Handling Modes Using Competition Based Learning
Benjamin Wilhelm

137 Writing a Progressive Case to Enhance Student Learning
Carol Bormann Young, Perwaiz Ismaili, Denise Williams, Marcia Hagen

142 Your Syllabus as a means for Positive Change in the Classroom
Elizabeth McCrea, Gladys Torres Baumgarten


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