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Virtual MOBTS 2020

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Using classroom experiences and post-course feedback to continuously improve our teaching practice

continuous improvement, aligning education theories with practice, classroom as organisation, self-assessment

Classroom as Organisation’ (CAO) simulations position instructors as ‘guides on the side’ while students take responsibility for organizing the teaching and learning of relevant management concepts. This creates continuously evolving experiences as typical management situations emerge and demand attention. Instructors require special skills, students are rarely ambivalent about the process, and feedback polarizes between those thriving on responsibility and those wanting to listen to a ‘sage on the stage’. Using class materials this workshop invites participants to explore aspects of a CAO experience and gain insights into learning outcomes, requisite teaching skills and continuous improvement strategies to achieve all these.

Elyssebeth Leigh
University of Technology Sydney

Patrick Simak
Aalto University

Anne Herbert


Ian Burness
Swinburne University


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