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Virtual MOBTS 2020

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Developing an LGBTQ-friendly College of Business: A Roadmap for Change

Colleges of Business, Diversity and Inclusion, LGBTQ

This session will discuss the challenges and benefits of creating an LGBTQ-friendly college of business. The panelists will bring their diverse perspectives to the discussion and will engage with the session participants in an effort to both inform the group about the challenges in undertaking this as well as the reasons that it is important. The roundtable will discuss why this is important to colleges and to the business community and because it is also becoming a key area of differentiation for schools seeking accreditation or re-accreditation with the AACSB. These areas include the importance of diversity to business, the impact of the LGBTQ community on business success, the challenges that colleges of business face in undertaking more LGBTQ-friendly environments, and some paths to successful implementation of these concepts.

Allison Miller
Georgia College
United States

Whitney Ginder
Georgia College
United States

Joanna Schwatrz
Georgia College
United States

Sarah Owen
Georgia College
United States

Jamie Harrell
Emory University
United States


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