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Virtual MOBTS 2020

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Competency-Based Education: Reshaping Programs and Courses to Learning Outcomes

Competency Based Education, Online Education, Authentic Assessment

Competency-based education (CBE) is hardly a new concept, but its contemporary application in higher education is neither thoroughly understood nor studied. Demands of accountability, affordability, and access find more universities turning to CBE. CBE offers a glimpse of our capacity, amid rapidly-shifting environments and dynamics, to remap how management education can address the challenges ahead and thrive beyond them. CBE is reshaping education to the learning outcome rather than forcing the learning outcome into the conventional mold of education. Will higher education experience a similar measure of new life and relevancy? This workshop will shine a light on what we have learned from this shift, examining CBE’s potential. It offers exploration of the topic through an overview, multiple perspectives from CBE scholars and practitioners, and roundtable break-outs cohering around viewpoints discussed, culminating in an invitation for continued collaboration with the aim of contributing to best practices.

James Spee
University of Redlands
United States

Sharyn Gardner
Sacramento State University
United States

Eric Richardson
University of North Carolina
United States

Jean Gordon
University of North Carolina Wilmington
United States

Robert Bromber
US Marine Corps
United States

Lara Limboni-Amui
University of Sao Paulo

Kevin Snyder
Southern New Hampshire University
United States

Joanna Beth Tweedy
Benedictine University
United States

Luciana Cezarino
Federal University of Uberlandia


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