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Virtual MOBTS 2021

vMOBTS 2021 Proceedings »

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Sharing Our Lived Experiences in the OB Classroom: Opportunities and Challenges

Keywords: Lived experience, illness, mental health

Abstract: Both research and anecdotal evidence suggest that many academics are reluctant to disclose significant personal struggles at work, such as illness and imposter syndrome. Studies indicate that withholding such concerns can come with costs, and that disclosure of our lived experiences may lead to beneficial outcomes. These can include the opportunity to teach with authenticity and empathy and provide our students with personal insights into how to manage such challenges. In this symposium, four panelists will discuss their unique struggles and consider how disclosure has impacted them as educators and influenced their teaching practices and relationships in the OB classroom.

Marissa Edwards, University of Queensland (Australia)

Adam Pervez, Mississippi State University - Meridian (United States)

Kevin Lo, University of San Francisco (United States)

Erin Gallagher, University of Queensland (Australia)


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