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MOBTS 2022

MOBTS 2022 Proceedings - ISBN: 978-1-7346398-2-7 »

Collaboration and accountability: How creating a SoTL Scholars community has made me productive!

Keywords: Scholarship of teaching and learning, research community, productivity

Abstract: Do you struggle to find time to do research while juggling teaching and service demands? Do you want to meet faculty across your institution while also increasing your productivity? If so, come to our symposium about creating a Scholarship for Teaching and Learning (SoTL) community! I will first describe SoTL and introduce how our university created a successful SoTL Scholars program. We will then break into small groups to brainstorm how a similar model could work at your university. Finally, I will discuss options for creating a MOBTS SoTL Scholars community in hopes of increasing connections, support, and productivity.

Alexandra M. Dunn, University of Mary Washington (United States)


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