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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

At-a-Glance Program

Monday, 10 June 2024
7:30am - 8:45amBreakfast (Marsh Dining Hall)
9:00am - 5:00pmBoard of Directors Meeting (Meier 316A (Charlotte Forten Room))
12:30pm - 1:30pmLunch (Meier 316A (Charlotte Forten Room))
3:00pm - 5:00pmDoctoral Institute Icebreaker (Sullivan 101)
 Early Educator Institute Icebreaker (Sullivan 111)
5:00pm - 6:00pmBoard, DI, and EEI Meet & Greet Reception
Tuesday, 11 June 2024
7:30am - 8:45amBreakfast (Marsh Dining Hall)
9:00am - 5:00pmDoctoral Institute (Sullivan 101)
 Early Educator Institute (Sullivan 111)
9:00am - 2:00pmCLC @ MOBTS Experience (North Dining (Upper))
12:00pm - 2:00pmMTR Associate Editors Meeting (North Dining Cafe (Lower))
 JME Associate Editors Meeting (Sullivan 104)
 Fellows Meeting (Sullivan 119)
5:30pm - 7:30pmWelcoming Dinner & Opening Session (Marsh Dining Hall)
7:30pm - 11:00pmJim's Place (Bertolon Cafe)
7:30pm - 7:45pmNewcomer Session (Marsh Dining Hall)
Wednesday, 12 June 2024
7:30am - 8:45amBreakfast (Marsh Dining Hall)
9:00am - 10:00amWitchcraft, Creativity and OB (CC-111)
 A one-hour intensive introduction to Generative AI for sceptical academic colleagues (CC-112)
 How "Improvisational Role-Playing" Exercises Can Improve Active Learning In Your Management Classes (CC-113)
 Innovative Business Design for a Sustainable World (CC-114)
 Increase Student Engagement by Converting Lecture Slides to Virtual World Illustrations (CC-135)
 Names are the Sweetest: Learning Students’ Names (CC-137)
 Share your own story in class! (CC-236)
 Leadership Quests: A student-led experiential competition (CC-237)
 Helping Students to Think Slow in a Fast World (CC-238)
 Using AI-Roles and Prompts to Reconceptualize and Redesign Learning Experiences (CC-243)
 Supporting Others in Their Grief (CC-244)
 Peer Attentiveness During Student Presentations: a technique for enhancing attentiveness and feedback (CC-248)
10:00am - 10:30amREFRESHMENT BREAK (Bertolon Cafe)
10:30am - 11:30amTech Layoff Letters How Do They Stack Up (CC-111)
 Educational Renaissance: Seven AI-Driven Approaches for Today's Faculty” (CC-112)
 Get on the Balcony!: Adapting Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) as an Experiential Method to Increase Reflective Listening Skills (CC-113)
 The Great Resource Bake Off (CC-114)
 Taking interdisciplinarity seriously: when both students and teachers benefit (CC-135)
 Student Peer Feedback in Team Settings (CC-137)
 A Sweet Choice: An Exercise in Choosing Snacks in a Corporate Governance Class (CC-236)
 Adapting Business Technical and Quantitative Course to Support a College of Business’s DEI Organizational Culture (CC-237)
 Enhancing Student Employability Prospects and Fostering Inclusion via Experiential Learning In-Class Projects: in Business Education (CC-238)
 Utilizing AI to Brainstorm Cultural Differences (CC-243)
 The Importance of Teaching Personal Change in Organizational Change Courses (CC-244)
 Transforming Fear into Action: Training for Educators on Fostering Allyship through Courage (CC-248)
11:45am - 12:45pmWhat does Greta Thunberg Know That We Don't: Using Macro Level Systems Theory to Teach Climate Leadership (CC-111)
 Exposing Business Students to International Perspectives via the Harnessing Innovation via Virtual Exchange (HIVER) Program with Middle East and North African (MENA) Classes (CC-112)
 Balancing Act: A Work-Life Integration Exercise (CC-113)
 Peer Coaching in the Classroom: An Example and Discussion (CC-114)
 Incorporating the UN Sustainable Development Goals into the Management Curriculum (CC-135)
 Organizational Improvement Despite Crisis: Best practices, organizational influences, and unintended consequences (CC-137)
 From QWERTY to DVORAK: An in-class change simulation (CC-236)
 Enhancing student well-being through a work-life balance action-experiment (CC-237)
 Utilizing Chatbots To Increase Student Engagement, DEIB, and Cross-Cultural Learning in Management Classrooms (CC-238)
 Resilience in Disruption: Managing Mental Health in Organizations. The Case of Stonegate (CC-243)
 How Can We Include a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Lens in Our Strategic Management Course? (CC-248)
12:45pm - 2:00pmLUNCH (Marsh Dining Hall)
2:00pm - 3:00pmAddressing the 'knowing/doing' gap in classrooms (CC-111)
 Adapting Personal SWOT Analysis for Student Needs (CC-112)
 Immediate Engagement: A Case Study for your first class (CC-113)
 Using and Abusing AI Tools to Enhance Higher Order Learning in Global, Diverse Environments (CC-135)
 Challenges and New Ways of teaching in the Context of Psychological Trauma after the violent attack at Charles University in Prague (CC-137)
 To Discuss or Not? Navigating Global Crises and Significant Events in the Classroom (CC-236)
 Get Real!: Sourcing Real Experiential Learning Projects (CC-237)
 Elevating Business and Management Education: The Strategic Imperative for Faculty Development (CC-238)
 Resolving Intra-Team Conflict in a Start-Up: A Role Play (CC-243)
 Handshake Bingo: An Icebreaker Activity with a Purpose (CC-244)
 Transitioning into Leadership Roles in Higher Education (CC-248)
3:00pm - 3:30pmREFRESHMENT BREAK (Bertolon Cafe)
3:30pm - 4:30pmI can't get no (pay) satisfaction: An Experiential Exercise (CC-111)
 VIVA chat mate over chat bot! Redesigning reflective essays into interactive in-class oral assessments to future proof your students’ careers (CC-112)
 Students Finding Video Clips for a Leadership Development Program (CC-113)
 Managing Client Engagement in Experiential-Learning Consulting Projects (CC-114)
 A Playful Introduction to Design Thinking (CC-135)
 Artificial Intelligence: Using Strategies in Andragogy that Emancipate Adult Learners and Adjunct faculty in Asynchronous Virtual Learning Environments (CC-137)
 Join the Business reading club: Using extra curriculum activities to increase learning opportunities on campus. (CC-236)
 Entertainment Simulation Offers Leadership Insights, Inspiration for the Future of Work (CC-237)
 Interactive Symposia on Planning and Implementing Classroom-Based Learning Communities (CC-238)
 Ubuntu in Management Education: A Path to Inclusive Decision Making in a Stakeholder Economy (CC-243)
 Incorporating Collaborative Online International Learning in Management Courses (CC-244)
 Expanding a Global Perspective: Short-Term Study Abroad (CC-248)
5:30pm - 7:00pmDinner (Marsh Dining Hall)
7:30pm - 11:00pmJim's Place (Bertolon Cafe)
7:30pm - 10:00pmNBA Finals Watch Party (Starbucks)
7:30pm - 9:00pmTrolley Tour - Early Group (Departs from SSU Bookstore)
 Movie Night at MOBTS! (Hocus Pocus - Kid Friendly) (Forton 123)
9:00pm - 10:30pmTrolley Tour - Late Group (Departs from SSU Bookstore)
9:15pm - 10:45pmMovie Night at MOBTS! (Evil Dead 2 - Not So Kid Friendly) (Forton 123)
Thursday, 13 June 2024
7:30am - 8:45amBreakfast (Marsh Dining Hall)
9:00am - 10:00amReflective Readiness and Practice in Leadership Education (CC-111)
 Critical not coercive: teaching critical perspectives while prioritizing student's professional learning objectives (CC-112)
 Innovative Grading Strategies: How Specifications Grading Can Empower Active Learning and Industry Preparedness (CC-113)
 Our CEO said WHAT?: Developing a Crisis Communication Plan for CrossFit After George Floyd’s Murder (CC-114)
 Compassion in Higher Education: Cultivating Connection and Well-Being (CC-135)
 Design-thinking as a Management Tool: An Exercise for Building Students’ Innovation and Problem-Solving Skills (CC-137)
 Meet the Editors - The Journal of Management Education (CC-236)
 From Broadway to Boardroom: Applying Principles of Organizational Change to Kinky Boots (CC-237)
 Facilitation of Learning in Management and Leadership Education (CC-238)
 Exam Co-Creation: Providing a Multi-Level Learning Opportunity for Course Assessment (CC-243)
 Establishing the Significance of Reflective Practice for Teaching Management and Organizational Behavior (CC-244)
 Building Your DEI Education Toolkit: Experiential Exercises for Teaching Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CC-248)
10:00am - 10:30amREFRESHMENT BREAK (Bertolon Cafe)
10:30am - 11:30amVariation is the Enemy: Using a Gage R&R Activity to Demonstrate the Limitations of Machine Learning (CC-111)
 Adopting U.S. Coast Guard Academy Methods for Teaching Leadership: A Collaboration Between Faculty at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Norwich University, and Ferrum College (CC-112)
 Management Teaching Review: Meet the Editors (CC-113)
 Emergent Strategies and Business Value in the Digital Era: The Effects of Knowledge Creation and Information Systems (CC-114)
 “Show and tell” revisited: the power of object-based learning (CC-135)
 Developing your Educator Alter Ego (CC-137)
 Short-Term Working Groups (SWGs): A novel program to improve faculty – student engagement, increase belonging, and improve outcomes for first-generation college students. (CC-236)
 Learning & Developing Relational Skills as New Managers: The Role of Management Education (CC-237)
 Launching Your Course With a Thought Experiment: Learning to Swim in the Deep End (CC-238)
 Order it up: Using the Euchre to Introduce Instructional Design Principles (CC-243)
 Cultivating Diverse Minds: Exploring Effective Inclusive Teaching Strategies (CC-244)
 So You Want to Work Remotely? Understanding Negotiations at the Center of Remote Work (CC-248)
11:45am - 12:45pmFaculty & Administrators Embracing Generative AI Tools (CC-111)
 Assigning Popular Press Business Books in Management/Organizational Behavior Classes (CC-112)
 Introduction to Management: In-Class Exercises for Teaching the Four Functions of Management (CC-113)
 New Ways of Collaborating with Complementary Strategic Tools Towards Flourishing: An Experiential Education for Sustainable Development Applying the Flourishing Business Model Canvas and the SOAR Framework (CC-114)
 Using ChatGPT or other LLMs to Create Classroom Assistants: Building a Non-Profit Database (CC-135)
 VUCA Inoculation: We Need a New Normal for Building Elastic Organizations (CC-137)
 How Can You Push for Change Without Pushing Yourself Out? (CC-236)
 Embedding Research in Graduate Courses for Working Adults: Activity Design With AI Support (CC-237)
 Gather around the “Video-Clip Campfire” and share your best teaching video clips (CC-238)
 Integrating Diverse Scholarly Works in Management and Organizational Behavior Syllabi (CC-243)
 Profound Leadership Experience Reflection Activity (CC-244)
 ICare Inc. Needs Immediate Hire (CC-248)
12:45pm - 2:00pmLUNCH (Marsh Dining Hall)
2:00pm - 3:00pmUnveiling the Creativity of The Beatles: “I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends” (CC-111)
 Quizizz Unleashed: A Catalyst for Engagement (CC-112)
 Transforming Business Education for Sustainability and Social Responsibility (CC-113)
 Racing towards the cliff edge: Are complex-adaptive-systems the way to survive the impending enrolment drop in higher education? (CC-114)
 A Virtual Version of the Student-Team Selection ‘Speed-Grouping’ Process (CC-135)
 What's So Special About Special Issues? (CC-137)
 Student Stress: What is the Professor’s Role in Helping Students’ Well-Being? (CC-236)
 Using Branching Scenarios to Promote Critical Decision-Making in Management Education (CC-237)
 Pedagogical Innovating: Windows of Opportunity for Pedagogical Epiphanies (CC-238)
 Consulting as a Capstone Course: Bringing Real-world Projects into the Classroom (CC-243)
 Model United Nations: Liberal Arts Learning for Business Students (CC-244)
 Experiential Fire: Reigniting the Flame by Sharing Brief Activities (CC-248)
3:00pm - 3:30pmREFRESHMENT BREAK (Bertolon Cafe)
3:30pm - 4:30pmA Dynamic Exercise for Discovering and Understanding Personal Values (CC-111)
 Navigating the AI Era: Equipping Students with Competencies and Ethical Insight” (CC-112)
 Liberation-Based Pedagogies: Tools, Exercises, and Resources for Tackling Equity Issues in the Classroom (CC-113)
 Self-care for Faculty: Infusing Yoga into your Pedagogical Preparation (CC-114)
 Kickball: An Experiential Exercise in Change Management (CC-135)
 Enhancing Insight into Decision-Making Biases: An Experiential Learning Approach (CC-137)
 Nurturing Genuine Dialogues: Unleashing the Power of Storytelling and Collaboration (CC-236)
 What Place Does AI Have in Community Engaged Learning Project Courses? (CC-237)
 Make the Case for it! Custom Teaching Cases in Minutes with Generative AI (CC-238)
 Where Theory Meets the Road: Long-Distance Cycling and Management Education (CC-243)
 AI in Management Education: Taking Stock and Looking Forward (CC-244)
5:30pm - 7:30pmMOBTS Awards Dinner (Marsh Dining Hall)
7:30pm - 11:00pmJim's Place & Talent Show (Starbucks)
Friday, 14 June 2024
7:30am - 8:45amBreakfast (Marsh Dining Hall)
8:30am - 9:30amDoctoral Institute Session (Marsh 210)
10:00am - 11:00amStrategic Analysis Through Design (CC-111)
 Re-Centering Leadership and Organizational Development in a Digital World through AI3 (CC-112)
 Bad AI or Bad Teaching: A Discussion About AI in the Classroom (CC-113)
 The Case of Moody National Bank (CC-114)
 Search and you shall find! Celebrating MOBTS’s recent 50th anniversary with a scavenger hunt (and discussing how such experiential activities can be integrated into management courses) (CC-236)
 Building the bridge from career to calling: How do we get there? (CC-243)
11:15am - 12:15pmSupporting management students' job interview self-efficacy: Three exercises using generative AI prompts (CC-111)
 Women of Organizational Behavior Roundtable (CC-112)
 JME Special Issue Idea Development Workshop: Preparing Leaders to Tackle Grand Challenges (CC-113)
 Data Analysis using Python: An Experiential Exercise (CC-114)
 Experiencing Street Art: Activity in The Point Neighborhood of Salem (Corner of Congress St. and Peabody St.)
12:30pm - 1:30pmMOBTS Business Meeting (Marsh 210)
 LUNCH (Marsh Dining Hall)
1:45pm - 3:15pmBoard of Directors Post-Conference Meeting (Marsh 210)


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