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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Using Chatgpt Or Other Llms To Create Classroom Assistants: Building A Non-Profit Database


Ray Luechtefeld | (
University of Central Missouri United States

Shane Cairns | (
 United States

Keywords: AI, ChatGPT, Learning Assistants

Abstract: ChatGPT and other LLMs (Large Language Models) have captured the world’s imagination. They offer the potential to transform education through automating human processes and practices. This presents dangers and opportunities: LLMs might be used as a crutch or façade for students, impeding deep learning, or LLM applications can provide individualized learning complementing traditional organizational behavior education. This session describes a framework for developing LLM assistants to organizational behavior education. A nonprofit is being created with the goal of aiding development, provide a database, and achieve no-cost delivery. The session will illustrate assistant development, cover implementation, and facilitate roundtable discussion.


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