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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Ubuntu In Management Education: A Path To Inclusive Decision Making In A Stakeholder Economy


Jess Waldrop | (
Georgia State University United States
Orcid: 0000-0002-8551-0696
LinkedIn: linkedin

Anene Emodi-Onwuka | ()
Georgia State University United States
LinkedIn: linkedin

Keywords: ubuntu, stakeholder economy, management education

Abstract: The call to shift from a shareholder to stakeholder economy is profound and begs the question of the role of management educators in such change. Ubuntu, a South African philosophy that prioritizes interconnectedness and community, provides principles and a common language for educators to teach more inclusive managerial decision-making skills that are a necessity in this paradigm shift. This session will focus on the potential role of ubuntu to help educators find a common understanding of how to develop curriculum in which students learn to engage in decision-making that balances both economic efficiency and social well-being.


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