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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Ksenia Polson | (
Regis University United States
Orcid: 0000-0003-3426-1877
LinkedIn: linkedin

Keywords: case study, pedagogy, ethics

Abstract: Ethics Grand Rounds is a flexible, student-focused case study approach derived from learners’ experiences in their lives. Ethics Grand Rounds has shown to be beneficial in fostering learners’ critical thinking, problem-solving and teamwork skills. These findings are evidenced by most student participants indicating on surveys that they agree to strongly agree that contributing their experiences to Ethics Grand Rounds made the course more relatable to them. Overall, Ethics Grand Rounds pedagogical approach can be used in a variety of teaching formats including graduate and undergraduate courses and in in-person, online or hybrid courses to engage students in learning and hone skills related to working in groups, leadership, and applying course topics to real world situations.


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