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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Leadership Quests: A Student-Led Experiential Competition


Gabriela Cuconato | (
 United States
Orcid: 0000-0002-9706-3117

Han Liu | (
Case Western Reserve University United States

Keywords: Teamwork, self-awareness, experiential learning cycle

Abstract: This semester-long experiential activity for organizational behavior, leadership, and human resources courses, engages students more deeply in course content by asking teams to run a leadership quest competition. Each team is assigned a different topic and leads other teams in the four steps of the learning cycle (experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting), in which the experiencing stage is designed as a competition between teams. During the session, participants will engage in a demo version of this activity, gaining insights for implementing it in their own courses. We will also share a workbook designed to support teams in this course assignment.


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