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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Resolving Intra-Team Conflict In A Start-Up: A Role Play


Mary Dunn | (
St. Edward's University United States
Orcid: 0000-0001-7689-327X
LinkedIn: linkedin

Keywords: conflict management, perception, frames, interests, rights, power, negotiation, social context, situational factors, social network

Abstract: This experiential exercise uses a role play to introduce students to the role that perceptions play in conflict management. It intends to develop students’ abilities to recognize and use frames to manage conflict effectively. It is best suited for courses in negotiation, organizational behavior, and entrepreneurship, but it can be used across management courses. The activity works well in any format, traditional and online, and it can be used with graduate and undergraduate students. This activity is based on an actual conflict situation within an entrepreneurial team, but the names and details have been disguised and fictionalized to protect those involved and highlight learning opportunities. This activity has several important learning objectives for students: 1. Explain how framing conflicts in terms of interests, rights, and power affect both the process and outcomes of negotiation. 2. Recognize the situations when it is appropriate to use an interests, rights, and power frame. 3. Be aware of the frames that they and their counter-part use in a negotiation. 4. Adapt their frames to consider alternate perspectives.


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