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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Viva Chat Mate Over Chat Bot! Redesigning Reflective Essays Into Interactive In-Class Oral Assessments To Future Proof Your Students’ Careers


Maria Ishkova | (
The University of Sydney Australia
LinkedIn: linkedin

Keywords: written assessment, Generative AI, Viva Voce

Abstract: This virtual session examines the alignment of typical assignment learning outcomes with the evolving AI-impacted work landscape, focusing on a transformative assessment approach in Management and Leadership at a top Australian Business School. It details the shift from traditional written essays to dynamic, in-class oral assessments (viva voce) to make the assignment more meaningful to students and counter academic dishonesty. Participants will hear insights from both educators and students over three semesters, discuss the shift to the learning outcomes we want students to achieve, and get an opportunity to creatively adapt their assignments into oral assessments suitable for their specific teaching environments.


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