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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Re-Centering Leadership and Organizational Development In A Digital World Through Ai3


Nicole Jackson | (
Golden Gate University/Ageno School of Business United States

Shalini Gopalkrishnan | (
Golden Gate University/Ageno School of Business United States

Michael Horne | (
Golden Gate University/Ageno School of Business United States

Keywords: Leadership and Organizations, AI, Action-Based & Appreciative Inquiry

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly accelerated the pace of change for today’s organizations and leaders. This newer landscape requires that leaders and organizations build a stronger story of coherence, re-imagination, not just disruption. Yet, many lack the inquiry tools to do so with AI. In this session, we review and build upon the work of Cooperrider and Whitney’s Appreciative Inquiry 5D Cycle with work of Torbert on Action-Based Inquiry to show how these models and approaches can be applied toward these ends with Artificial Intelligence. We call this integrated approach AI3 and provide sample exercises for classroom and real-world applications.


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