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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Enhancing Student Employability Prospects and Fostering Inclusion Via Experiential Learning In-Class Projects: In Business Education


Zlatinka Blaber | (
Salem State University United States
Orcid: 0000-0002-6091-8855
LinkedIn: linkedin

Guergana Gougoumanova | (
University of Malaya Malaysia

Keywords: Experiential learning, Riipen, inclusion

Abstract: It is a fact that despite the high cost of post-secondary education in the United States, US college and university graduates often remain underemployed, i. e. there is an employability gap among college-educated people in the country. This applies to other Western countries, as well. The reasons for this phenomenon are numerous – the offshoring of white-collar jobs to lower cost jurisdictions in South-East Asia and Eastern Europe for example and the advent of new technologies and automation, among others. What can universities do to enhance student employability prospects, while fostering Inclusion? One answer is adopting


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