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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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What Does Greta Thunberg Know That We Don'T: Using Macro Level Systems Theory To Teach Climate Leadership


Rae Andre | (
Northeastern University United States

Sarah Stookey | (
Central Connecticut State University United States

Keywords: capitalism, climate change, systems thinking

Abstract: Join us for a lively discussion on teaching societal level (macro) topics like climate change and capitalism. Sustainability in Management Education (SiME) tends to emphasize individual (micro) and organizational level (meso) processes when today’s planetary emergency demands a pedagogy of societal and global (macro) systems. Professors teaching planetary sustainability should emphasize macro theories and practices like systems critique and systems change, rather than systems thinking alone. In this workshop we will share a simple way to make clear choices about what you are teaching and we will explore together how to elevate micro and meso content to a macro level.


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