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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Our Ceo Said What?: Developing A Crisis Communication Plan For Crossfit After George Floyd’s Murder


Samira Fallah | (
University of Mary Washington United States
Orcid: 0000-0001-7836-9164

Alexandra Dunn | (
University of Mary Washington United States

Keywords: Crisis, Communication plan, Stakeholders

Abstract: This exercise puts students in the role of developing a communication plan for a well-known company in response to a crisis that elicited heavy stakeholder pressure. Using a case scenario divided into three parts, students learn how CrossFit’s CEO responded to George Floyd’s murder in 2020. Students research companies’ responses to crises, develop their own communication plans and get feedback, compare their plans to CrossFit’s response, and debrief the exercise by brainstorming what could have been done differently. Session participants will complete a shortened version of the activity and discuss how they can use it in their classes.


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