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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Exposing Business Students To International Perspectives Via The Harnessing Innovation Via Virtual Exchange (hiver) Program With Middle East and North African (mena) Classes


Zlatinka Blaber | (
Salem State University United States
Orcid: 0000-0002-6091-8855
LinkedIn: linkedin

Guergana Gougoumanova | (
University of Malaya Malaysia

Keywords: Global awareness, grants, international perspectives, intercultural communication

Abstract: This provocation/discussion focuses on exposing business students to international perspectives via the Harnessing Innovation via Virtual Exchange for Enhanced Results (HIVER) grant program of the Stevens Initiative/Aspen Institute. This is a U.S. federal grant. By participating in HIVER, students can enhance their intercultural communication skills and gain subject knowledge and project management skills. From the perspective of instructors, the HIVER program allows a relatively easy and fast way to showcase a grant receipt on one’s academic resume. The HIVER program spans over the spring 2023, fall 2023, spring 2024, fall 2024, and spring 2025 semesters. U.S. and Middle East and North African (MENA) universities are eligible to participate; however, one needs to verify the eligibility of the specific MENA country with the HIVER organizers.


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