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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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From Qwerty To Dvorak: An In-Class Change Simulation


Carrie A Blair | (
College of Charleston United States
LinkedIn: linkedin

Renard Harris | (
College of Charleston United States

Sebastian Steadman | (
Booz Allen Hamilton United States

Keywords: Change, Simulation, Leadership

Abstract: Organizational change is one of the most complex topics covered in management. It is often difficult for students to recognize the complexity involved in leading change. We present a quick cost-free alternative to the change simulation to capture students’ attention to help them better recognize the challenges with leading change. In the exercise, we discuss a change initiative at our university (switching from one type of keyboard to another), and present the facts for why it makes sense. In the exercise, when students express resistance to the change, we quickly pivot, using the exercise as a way to discuss the challenges that surround leading change in an organization. The exercise is quick, realistic, and applicable on any campus. In the session, we will quickly demonstrate the exercise, discuss alternative applications, and provide time for session attendees to describe similar ideas to quickly simulate a change initiative.


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