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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Learning & Developing Relational Skills As New Managers: The Role of Management Education


Sarah Wright | (
University of Canterbury New Zealand
Orcid: 0000-0002-0552-3519

Kathy Lund Dean | (
Gustavus Adolphus College United States

Keywords: conversational skills, interpersonal skills, social interaction

Abstract: Three decades of research has confirmed the importance of “soft skills” for managerial success, however, for a myriad of reasons students seem unequipped with the relational skills needed for such success. Developing the ability to engage others in conversation is not only a required organizational skillset—its role in deflecting loneliness among college students is a nascent area of inquiry. This session comprises two parts. The first part serves as a demonstration of an exercise aimed at enhancing conversational skills. The second part involves a structured discussion focused on exchanging ideas regarding how students could acquire relational skills crucial for a management career and exploration of research questions identifying managerial choices in developing such skills.


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