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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Elevating Business and Management Education: The Strategic Imperative For Faculty Development


Jeanie Forray | (
Seneca Consortium United States
LinkedIn: linkedin

Melissa Knott | (
Western New England University United States

Keywords: Faculty Development, Institutional Initiatives, Faculty Advocacy

Abstract: In an increasingly dynamic higher education environment, faculty adaptability has become a strategic imperative critical to institutional success. While most institutions avow their commitment to faculty development, they expect educators to take ownership of their own adaptability rather than structurally integrating appropriate resources and goals for faculty development work. This Roundtable Provocation considers faculty development as a strategic institutional imperative and ways in which faculty advocacy might improve and enhance these efforts for business and management educators. Doctoral students and early career educators, as well as more experienced faculty whether tenured or contractual, are encouraged to participate in this discussion.


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