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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Compassion In Higher Education: Cultivating Connection and Well-Being


Janet Nelson | (
Virginia Commonwealth University United States
LinkedIn: linkedin

Dietrich Von Biedenfeld | (
UHD Marilyn Davies College of Business United States
LinkedIn: linkedin


Abstract: In the highly competitive higher education environment, faculty and administrators are often subject to intense pressure, leading to stress, suffering, and burnout. The consequences of this phenomenon are multifaceted, affecting not only individual well-being but also organizational efficiency, innovation, and success. Compassion emerges as an effective remedy amid this complex scenario, with a growing body of research supporting its positive impact. This workshop is engaging and interactive, ensuring that participants grasp the importance of compassion and experience it firsthand, contributing to the growth of a compassionate community in higher education.

Outline: 1. Compassion in Academia: Cultivating Connection and Well-Being 2. Why Compassion in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): Why Now? a. The Changing Landscape in Higher Education 3. The Power of Compassion 4. Compassion Circle Activity – Story Telling, Empathy, Contagion 5. Reflection and Art / Writing 6. Application to HEIs 7. Continuing the Practice a. Reflection / Take-aways b. Supplemental resource recommendations c. Action Workbook


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