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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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New Ways of Collaborating With Complementary Strategic Tools Towards Flourishing: An Experiential Education For Sustainable Development Applying The Flourishing Business Model Canvas and The Soar Framework


Larry Clay Clay | (
Marymount University United States
Orcid: 000-0003-1867-9288
LinkedIn: linkedin

Keywords: Flourishing Business Model Canvas, SOAR framework, positive organization psychology, organization change management, strategic planning, design thinking

Abstract: Learning how to use two complementary strategic tools -The Flourishing Business Model Canvas (FBC)and the SOAR framework- can benefit students' by teaching them how to understand strengths, resources, processes of an ecosystem, seize opportunities for collective innovation, and inspire stakeholders to reach shared flourishing goals for their enterprise. Strategic flourishing goals goes beyond the canonical sustainability goals of reducing harm, human equity, and maintaining resources for future generations. Flourishing goals push beyond reductive harm and risk measures in operations and treats sustainability as a bolt-on service in enterprises. Through intra- and entrepreneurship and strategic tools students will adopt a strategic planning and flourishing modeling to create an approach for enterprise change towards full-spectrum flourishing.


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