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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Handshake Bingo: An Icebreaker Activity With A Purpose


Elizabeth McCrea | (
Seton Hall University United States

Sarah Holtzen | (
Missouri Southern State University United States

Keywords: handshake, networking, career development, ice breaker

Abstract: One of the first impressions business professionals in the United States must learn to navigate is the dreaded handshake. Though students are often told of the importance of a good handshake, it is a skill that may be overlooked in the current management classroom. Handshake Bingo is an experiential exercise designed to teach business students this important skill while also doubling as an engaging ice breaker activity. Students first learn the key features of a good business handshake. Next, students will apply these norms to a game of BINGO that is β€œwon” by meeting new classmates – greeted with a firm handshake! – who match the different criteria outlined on the BINGO card. MOBTS participants will have the opportunity to play Handshake Bingo and practice their own skills during this engaging session.


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