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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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How Can You Push For Change Without Pushing Yourself Out?


Rita Shea-Van Fossen | (
Nova Southeastern University United States
Orcid: 0000-0001-6181-0179
LinkedIn: linkedin

Bethany Cockburn | (
Northern Illinois University United States
Orcid: 0000-0003-0947-1469
LinkedIn: linkedin

Keywords: Student Advocacy, Change Management, Career Management

Abstract: Many faculty come up against organizational practices that they feel are unfair or even downright wrong. Even though they want to help make positive changes faculty lack the position, power, and authority to mandate changes. In addition, speaking out can create resentment towards themselves and increase risks for their own career and wellbeing. This roundtable session explores this dilemma, sharing experiences of faculty members who have pushed for change. This roundtable session will explore when and how to advocate for issues you are passionate about while better understanding the potential risks and rewards in taking an advocacy role.


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