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MOBTS 2024 at Salem State University

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Icare Inc. Needs Immediate Hire


Guorong Zhu | (
Salem State University United States
LinkedIn: linkedin

Chloe Browning | (
Northeast Arc United States
LinkedIn: linkedin


Abstract: This case focuses on Chloe Browning, the Division Director of Residential Services at ICare Inc., a non-profit organization providing lifelong support to people with disabilities. Chloe is grappling with the consequences of a staffing shortage that is impacting the organization, compounded by low pay and the emotionally demanding nature of the job. Adding to her challenges, the CEO requests that she take advantage of state incentives and open new services within the next 6 months. The case outlines Chloe's background in direct care and her commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those receiving care. It also highlights ICare Inc.'s mission and the challenges the organization is facing in the human services industry, including the staffing shortage exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the "Great Resignation" phenomenon. The case concludes with Chloe reaching out to the Human Resource Director to address the staffing shortage while considering the CEO’s requests for business expansion. This firsthand experience-based case presents the management challenges that businesses encounter in terms of employee recruitment and retention, as well as the strategic decision of whether to expand the business considering government incentives and organizational constraints. It is designed for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, or Strategic Management Courses.


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