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International Conference of the Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society

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Integrating Managerial Skills into the Business Curriculum: Can we Teach Longitudinally?

In this roundtable session, we will discuss methods to integrate managerial-skill teaching into core business courses. We will start the session by sharing the authors' experience with a managerial-skill course designed to cut across courses and semesters. Using data from participants of this course in two countries (U.S. and Peru), we will briefly discuss the effectiveness of our instruction. Our goal is to generate a debate on the viability of challenging instruction compressed in standard time intervals (e.g., semesters). We hope to identify best practices dealing with integrating skill-development across academic terms.

Otmar Varela
University of Arkansas - Little Rock
United States

Kety Jauregui
ESAN - Business School


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