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International Conference of the Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society

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Employing Self-Developmental, Peer Coaching in the Classroom

We introduce the purpose, practice and possibilities of self-developmental, peer coaching within management education and share our experience of and learning from, as a professor and students, employing self-developmental, peer coaching in an undergraduate and MBA Self Leadership course. In these courses, students coached one another based upon their preparation for, engagement in and reflection upon self-developmental, experiential-learning experiences in which they participated over the course of the semester. Session attendees will receive the same self-developmental, peer coaching training received by students and be provided with an opportunity to engage in a meaningful self-developmental, peer coaching activity.

Matthew Eriksen
Providence College
United States

Sarah Collins
Providence College
United States

Julian Oakley
Providence College
United States

Bailey Finocchio
Providence College
United States


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