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International MOBTS 2023

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Meet the Editors: Crafting Papers for the Journal of Management Education (JME) and Management Teaching Review (MTR)

Keywords: manuscript preparation, scholarship of teaching and learning, instructional innovations.

Abstract: In this 60-minute hybrid professional development workshop, join members of the editorial teams of the Society’s two journals – the Journal of Management Education (JME) and Management Teaching Review (MTR) – for a discussion about each journal (outlining the aims and scope, sections, submission process, and review process), as well as advice on crafting manuscripts for each outlet. The workshop will close with time dedicated to small group discussion, so that attendees can discuss and ask questions related to the preparation of their research and instructional innovation-related manuscripts with facilitators from each journal.

Kerri Anne Crowne, Widener University, United States

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Jennifer S. A. Leigh, Nazareth College, United States

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Melanie A. Robinson, HEC Montreal, Canada

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Gordon B. Schmidt, University of Louisiana Monroe, United States

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