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International MOBTS 2023

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From Business Star and Moral Failure to Moral Star and Business Failure: The Case of Oskar Schindler

Keywords: ethics, ends versus means, Schindler, Milgram

Abstract: This case assignment comes from a “Leadership Through Character” course that asks students to explore how Oskar Schindler went from a star purveyor of Milton Friedman's economic business model (i.e., do whatever the law allows to make profits) but moral failure, to a moral star but business failure. The assignment also asks students to consider the implications of Milgram’s (1962) classic obedience studies and how these considerations are impacted when we allow ourselves to be persuaded to see people as abstract means to an end rather ends themselves worthy of dignity simply because they are people. Resources will be provided for attendees.

Michael Stevens, Weber State University, United States

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