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International MOBTS 2023

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When Motivation is not Enough

Keywords: Goal setting, Goal orientation, Strategic goal attainment

Abstract: Leaders often need to challenge their teams to reach high performance targets. However, simply setting ambitious goals to motivate members may not be enough. In this exercise, participants will gain the knowledge and skills of strategic goal attainment. They will first learn about performance- and learning- goal orientations through self-assessment and audial/visual tutorial. They will then form teams and practice setting performance or learning goals through scenarios and role play. Finally, participants will be debriefed on the inflection points where one type of goal becomes more beneficial than the other. In other words, they will gain the understanding of how to be more strategic and agile with goal attainment. With this, participants can better prepare students to become successful future leaders.

Shawna Chen, Brock University, Canada

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