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International MOBTS 2023

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Trustworthy AI in the Classroom: from Creativity to Responsibility

Keywords: AIED; Education; ChatGPT; Creative assessment; Labour practices

Abstract: This informal Roundtable discussion aims to explore what the trustworthy use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Education might look like. We focus on the impact of the latest iterations of generative AIs on good academic practice and academic integrity and engage in an activity to consider options to rethink the design and purpose of assessment. We explore, and illustrate with examples, what it might be for teachers and learners to use AI in the classroom in creative, responsible, and trustworthy ways. And finally, we consider the labour processes and practices of AI research companies like OpenAI and their effects not only on the labour processes and practices of universities, but also on the human resources such companies exploit as a source of menial labour to make their AI products run.

Aisling Crean, University of St Andrews, Digital Education Developer, United Kingdom

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Shiona Chillas, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom

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