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International MOBTS 2023

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Raising Young Entrepreneurs in Post-COVID Times: Promoting Self-Management Skills by Using Online Teaching Methods

Keywords: Redesign of Entrepreneurial Education, Online-Teaching, Experiential, Active and Problem-based Learning, New Technology and Innovation in the Classroom

Abstract: This PDW presents successfully implemented online teaching methods used to raise future entrepreneurs by promoting self-management skills. Due to increasing global uncertainty, new entrepreneurial teaching methods are required to deal with these new challenges. The relevance of responding to new societal needs with innovative business models is reflected by the number of start-ups having emerged during the last years. In particular, the fields of e-commerce, engineering and education confirm that start-ups can be helpful in addressing the constraints created by difficult economic conditions and responding to changing preferences and needs. This PDW demonstrates different online formats which have already been successfully implemented in Germany. By doing this, the workshop suggests that more online teaching methods which promote self-management are required to successfully raise entrepreneurs. By offering both, an interactive presentation and discussion part, in which participants can share the specific problems they have faced and the solutions they have adopted consequently, an inspiring idea-set of practical approaches and innovative methods will be received.

Andrea Honal, DHBW Mannheim, Germany

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Dorothee Beez, DHBW Mannheim, Germany

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Alexander Scholl, DHBW Mannheim, Germany

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Volker Rundshagen, Hochschule Stralsund, Germany

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