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Rethinking Management Education from Sociomateriality

Keywords: management education, educational innovation, sociomateriality

Abstract: When educational innovation is at the center of management education research, typologies are discussed and educational innovation strategies are presented. Despite this, few studies focus on explaining and understanding what educational innovation is as concept. The aim of this article is to explain the effects of innovation in management education from a sociomaterial approach. From a multiple case study in 5 Brazilian educational institutions, we focus on categorising sociomaterial effects of educational innovations. These effects were analysed and generated three major categories: connective effect, sensitive effect and generative effect. It is a new look at the sociomaterial dimensions (spaces, architecture, technology and objects/artifacts), but without forgetting the interactions and connections they establish with each other and with the living actors of Education. The discovery about the effects of sociomateriality contributes to the existing theories by impacting the integrated functioning of the person in his thinking, feeling, perceiving, learning and behaving. Keywords: management education, educational innovation, sociomateriality, innovation effects.

Cecilia Oliveira Bezerra, IFBAIANO/UFBA, Brazil

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Eduardo Paes Barreto Davel, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil

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Clare Rigg, University of Suffolk, United Kingdom

Email: C.Rigg@UOS.AC.UK  |  LinkedIn: 


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