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International MOBTS 2024

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Empowering Educators With Principled Knowledge To Integrate Technology Into Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment Practice


Abhishek Singh Bhati | (
James Cook University Singapore
Orcid: 0000-0001-5890-8394

Jasper Roe | (
James Cook University Singapore
LinkedIn: linkedin

Daniel O'Sullivan | (
James Cook University Singapore
LinkedIn: linkedin

Keywords: technology into curriculum, pedagogy, assessment practices

Abstract: In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, technology has become an integral part of education, promising to revolutionize teaching and learning experiences. However, amidst the enthusiasm for technological integration, educators face a myriad of challenges in developing technological proficiency and seamlessly incorporating technology into curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment practices. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort to align technology with educational goals, facilitate pedagogical shifts, design effective assessment strategies, ensure equitable access to technology, and provide ongoing professional development.

In this Professional Development Workshop, we aim to first elaborate on these challenges, encouraging educators to reflect on their own experiences and the challenges they may have faced. We then seek to offer concrete, actionable guidance by offering a fresh way of thinking about how different practices are selected and brought together. To achieve this, we draw on concepts from Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) which provide a framework for integrating knowledge practices in our contexts, such as using technology to teach disciplinary content. The main idea here is to separate thinking about the content you are teaching from the purpose you are teaching it, enabling principled investigation of the core aim of teaching and learning. We will explore the affordances of this framework for technology integration, principled pedagogy, and enhanced enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes.

In doing so, the session aims to engage and provide educators with practical strategies and support, which can empower them to operationalize knowledge practices effectively and maximize the potential of technology to enrich the educational experience.


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