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MOBTS Oceania 2021

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Sharing Institutional and Individual Responses To Promote Faculty Well-Being During The Covid-19 Pandemic

In this roundtable, we will explore institutional and individual responses to help faculty manage stress and promote well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. In discussion with participants, we will consider the stressors faced in the context of teaching and learning, how our institutions supported (or did not support) employees’ mental health, and how individuals personally coped with the ongoing crisis. At the end of the session, participants will have an understanding of common stressors, the different institutional supports offered to faculty (and the perceived effectiveness of these), and the individual-level strategies they can use to promote their own well-being at work.

Marissa Edwards
University of Queensland

Adam Pervez
Mississippi State University Meridian
United States

Kevin D. Lo
University of San Francisco
United States

Erin Gallagher
University of Queensland


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