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MOBTS Oceania 2023

MOBTS Oceania 2023 Proceedings

“Walking the cultural competence talk”: how educator’s professional identity influences cultural competence teaching and learning
Mesepa Lafaialii-Paul, Amy McHugh Cole

A Virtual International Classroom for Organizational Behavior: Collaborative Online International Learning for Business Students in Hawaii and Japan
Keith Sakuda, Steve Zurcher

Addressing the issue of graduates lacking key employability related skills: a Case Study from the University of Sydney Business School of effective learning support for undergraduate business communication skills in first year.
Jane Kerr, Andrew Allan

Awareness of Sustainable Development Goals among University Students
Hanoku Bathula, Antje Fiedler

Best Practices for Starting a Student-Led Management Organization on Campus
Ann Springer, Scott Springer

Anne Walsh, Karen A. Reardon

Called Professionals and Purpose: Integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Management Education
Ranjit Voola, Anna Young-Ferris, Abdul Razeed, Sandra Seno Alday

Creating An Ethical Dilemma: A summative experiential assessment for a business ethics class
Keith Sakuda

Delivering quality learning experiences at scale: how to ensure our students feel connected
Elaine Huber, Stephanie Wilson, Dewa Wardak, Peter Bryant

Effective Usage of Virtual Reality and Learning Analytics to Improve Student Engagement in and beyond the Classroom
Andrea Honal, Dorothee Beez, Volker Rundshagen

Employability-based teaching: challenges, successes, and road ahead
Deepika Jindal, Kim Ashton

Experiencing Classroom as Organisation (CAO)
Elyssebeth Leigh

Going back to basics: Developing conversational skills in the management education classroom
Sarah Wright

Helping Students Understand the Fundamental Attribution Error
Kevin Lo

How might we craft mid-career academic support to help ourselves with the resources at hand?
Lisa Callagher

Imposter Syndrome: Rarely taught in business schools yet, prevalent among students
Terry Nelson

Influencing Change: Women in Leadership
Ann Springer

Introducing a framework to design and evaluate quality online assessment in management education
Corina Raduescu, Amanda White, Elaine Huber

Lawnmowers, Peanut Slabs, and a decision making heuristic: An experiential activity for introducing management students to the anchoring effect
Benjamin Walker

Learning Mode Scaffolding: A Demonstration Using a Leadership Skills Activity
Will Felps, Peter Heslin

Meet the Journal Editors - Journal of Management Education & Management Teaching Review
Kerri Anne Crowne, Amy Kenworthy, Jennifer S.A. Leigh, Stuart Middleton, Melanie A. Robinson, Gordon B. Schmidt

Loren Dyck

Perform, Reflect, Redesign: Why and How to Teach Management in Experiential Community-Engaged Ways
Tammy Hiller

Provocations from the Journal of Management Education (JME) Vault
Stuart Middleton

Publishing in the Journal of Management Education - Meet the Editors and Roundtable Discussions
Stuart Middleton, Amy Kenworthy, Jennifer S.A. Leigh, Melanie A. Robinson

Redesigning a professional development course for business students in the New Normal
Hanoku Bathula, Patricia Hubbard

SaP o’clock: Students-as-Partners (SaP), customers, clients or employees metaphors and their influence on student-educator experience in Australian Business Schools
Maria Ishkova, Grainne Oates, Ju Li Ng, Vanessa Loh, Mark Westcott, Robyn Martin, Angela Hecimovic, Michael Fernando

SWOT: Not just for marketing, a Sweet Way Of Teaching!
Patricia Hubbard

The ‘why’ experience: using student’s family experience as a lens to teach business courses
Ankit Agarwal


Using the 4Cs Strategy to increase your influence as an educator
Lynn Gribble, Elizabeth Beckmann

Virtual Action Learning – Students feel lift-off, but what’s the view from the cockpit?
David Rosenbaum, Elizabeth More, Nazila Razi

What Management Students Need to Know to Become Hiring Managers
Scott Springer


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